Source code for hcrystalball.wrappers._sarimax

import logging
import sys

sys_out = logging.StreamHandler(sys.__stdout__)
sys_out.setFormatter(logging.Formatter("%(asctime)s - statsmodels - %(levelname)s - %(message)s"))

import pandas as pd
from pmdarima.arima import AutoARIMA, ARIMA

from hcrystalball.wrappers._base import TSModelWrapper
from hcrystalball.wrappers._base import tsmodel_wrapper_constructor_factory
from hcrystalball.utils import check_X_y, enforce_y_type, check_fit_before_predict

[docs]class SarimaxWrapper(TSModelWrapper): """Wrapper for `~pmdarima.arima.ARIMA` and `~pmdarima.arima.AutoARIMA` Search for optimal order of SARIMAX type model or instantiate one in case you provide specific order. Parameters ---------- name : str Name of the model instance, used also as column name for returned prediction. conf_int: bool Whether confidence intervals should be also outputed. init_with_autoarima: bool Whether you want to leverage automated search of pmdarima.arima.AutoARIMA. autoarima_dict: dict If `init_with_autoarima` is set to True, then `autoarima_dict` is used for instantiation of `~pmdarima.arima.AutoARIMA` class, thus it serves as configuration of AutoARIMA search. always_search_model: bool If `init_with_autoarima` is set to True and `always_search_model` is set to True, then the optimal model will be searched for during each `fit` call. On the other hand in most cases the desired behaviour is to search for optimal model just for first `fit` call and reused this already found model on subsequent `fit` calls (i.e. during cross validation). clip_predictions_lower: float Minimal value allowed for predictions - predictions will be clipped to this value. clip_predictions_upper: float Maximum value allowed for predictions - predictions will be clipped to this value. """ @tsmodel_wrapper_constructor_factory(ARIMA) def __init__( self, name="sarimax", conf_int=False, init_with_autoarima=False, autoarima_dict=None, always_search_model=False, clip_predictions_lower=None, clip_predictions_upper=None, ): """This constructor will be modified at runtime to accept all parameters of the ARIMA class on top of the ones defined here!""" pass @staticmethod def _transform_data_to_tsmodel_input_format(X, y=None): """Trasnform data into Prophet.model required format Parameters ---------- X : pandas.DataFrame Input features. y : array_like, (1d) Target vector. Returns ------- endog, exog endog - pandas.Series with target column if y is not None otherwise None. exog - numpy.ndarray with input features """ if y is not None: endog = pd.Series(y, index=X.index) else: endog = None exog = X.values exog = None if exog.shape[1] == 0 else exog return endog, exog @staticmethod def _adjust_holidays(X): """Transform holiday to binary feature. Parameters ---------- X : pandas.DataFrame Input features. Returns ------- pandas.DataFrame """ return X.assign(**{col: X[col] != "" for col in X.filter(like="_holiday_").columns})
[docs] @enforce_y_type @check_X_y def fit(self, X, y): """Transform input data to `pmdarima.arima.ARIMA` required format and fit the model. Parameters ---------- X : pandas.DataFrame Input features. y : array_like, (1d) Target vector. Returns ------- self """ if X.filter(like="_holiday_").shape[1] > 0: X = self._adjust_holidays(X) endog, exog = self._transform_data_to_tsmodel_input_format(X, y) if self.init_with_autoarima or self.always_search_model: autoarima_params = self.autoarima_dict or {} found_params = AutoARIMA(**autoarima_params).fit(y=endog, exogenous=exog).model_.get_params() self.set_params(**found_params) self.init_with_autoarima = self.always_search_model elif self.order is None: raise ValueError("Parameter `order` must be set if `init_with_autoarima` is set to False!") self.model = self._init_tsmodel(ARIMA), exogenous=exog) self.fitted = True return self
[docs] @check_fit_before_predict def predict(self, X): """Transform data to required format and provide predictions. Parameters ---------- X : pandas.DataFrame Input features. Returns ------- pandas.DataFrame Prediction is stored in column with name being the `name` of the wrapper. If `conf_int` attribute is set to True, the returned DataFrame will have three columns, with the second and third (named 'name'_lower and 'name'_upper). """ if X.filter(like="_holiday_").shape[1] > 0: X = self._adjust_holidays(X) _, exog = self._transform_data_to_tsmodel_input_format(X) preds, conf_ints = self.model.predict(n_periods=X.shape[0], exogenous=exog, return_conf_int=True) preds = pd.DataFrame(preds, index=X.index, columns=[]) if self.conf_int: conf_ints = pd.DataFrame( conf_ints, columns=[f"{}_lower", f"{}_upper"], index=X.index, ) preds = pd.concat([preds, conf_ints], axis=1) # TODO make sure we do what we want for confidence intervals return self._clip_predictions(preds)
__all__ = ["SarimaxWrapper"]