
HCrystalBall follows same contribution guidelines as scikit-lego_contribution

Development installation

Our tool of choice for dependencies management is conda mainly due to conflicting requirements of third party packages. The environment.yml from which the environment is build is rather rich and may contain things you might not necessarily need, so you can comment out some parts or just take it as an inspiration to build your own.

git clone
cd hcrystalball
conda env create -f environment.yml
conda activate hcrystalball
# ensures interactive progress bar will work in example notebooks
jupyter labextension install @jupyter-widgets/jupyterlab-manager
python develop
# install git hooks, can take several minutes (one time setting)
pre-commit install

Building documentation

Documentation includes examples in form of executable jupyter notebooks and its execution might take several minutes.

python build_sphinx


In case you intend to repeatedly build documentation, executing examples in jupyterlab might save you some time, as it runs in parallel. Also, if a notebook has at least 1 output cell, sphinx will skip notebooks execution.

If you just want to build sphinx docs without re-executing example notebooks set NBSPHINX_EXECUTE environment variable to never. Default behavior is auto.

# never execute notebooks
# always execute notebooks
export NBSPHINX_EXECUTE=always
# execute notebooks that do not have any output cell

Pre-commit hooks

We are using pre-commit hooks defined in .pre-commit-config.yaml.

To check how pre-commit would work on all files, run .. code-block:: bash

pre-commit run –all-files

Running tests

# run all tests
pytest tests
# run unit tests
pytest tests/unit
# run integration tests
pytest tests/integration

Creating new release

Publishing new package version to PyPI and conda-forge is done withing continuous deployment, that is setup on the creation of new release. Even that some steps are automated, make sure to go through following checklist to ensure the best outcome of a new release.

  1. Check open issues and pull requests, process ones that should be part of the release

  2. Update CHANGELOG.rst for respective new version with new commit on the master branch.

  3. Create new release from master with new tag (e.g. v0.2.1). Keep the description blank to have single source of truth in CHANGELOG.rst

  4. Check the results of workflows in GitHub Actions

  5. Check the new release is available on PyPI

  6. After 1 hour check that conda-forge bot published the new release on conda-forge

  7. Take some rest with your favorite drink