Source code for hcrystalball.feature_extraction._holiday_transformer

import pandas as pd
from workalendar.registry import registry
from sklearn.base import BaseEstimator, TransformerMixin

[docs]class HolidayTransformer(TransformerMixin, BaseEstimator): """Generate holiday feature based on provided ISO code Parameters ---------- country_code: str ISO code if country/region country_code_column: str name of the column which have the ISO code of the country/region Please be aware that you cannot provide both country_code and country_code_column during initialization since this would be ambuguious. If you provide `country_code_column` instead of `country_code` the ISO code found in the column will be assigned into `country_code` column. """ def __init__(self, country_code=None, country_code_column=None): self.country_code = country_code self.unified_country_code = country_code self.country_code_column = country_code_column if self.country_code is None and self.country_code_column is None: raise ValueError("You need to provide `country_code` or `country_code_column`") if self.country_code and self.country_code_column: raise ValueError("Provide `country_code` or `country_code_column`, not both") self._col_name = f"_holiday_{self.country_code or self.country_code_column}" @property def unified_country_code(self): """Utility storing country code or unique value from country_code_column""" return self._unified_country_code
[docs] def get_feature_names(self): """Return list with features which the transformer generates""" return [self._col_name]
@unified_country_code.setter def unified_country_code(self, value): if value is not None and value not in list(registry.region_registry.keys()): raise ValueError("Unknown `country_code`. For list of valid codes please look at workalendar.") self._unified_country_code = value
[docs] def fit(self, X, y=None): """Check if `date_col` has daily frequency This check is in `fit` method since pandas.infer_freq is used which requires at least 3 observations. Parameters ---------- X : pandas.DataFrame Input features. y : Any Ignored Returns ------- HolidayTransformer self Raises ------ ValueError in case daily frequency is not used or very few datapoints are provided in X """ if pd.infer_freq(X.index) != "D": raise ValueError( f"HolidayTransformer can be used only with daily frequency in index. " f"Your index is of type {type(X.index)} with frequency {pd.infer_freq(X.index)}" ) return self
[docs] def transform(self, X, y=None): """Create data with 'holiday' colummn Columns contains names of the holidays based on provided 'date' column Parameters ---------- X : pandas.DataFrame Input features. y : numpy.ndarray iIgnored. Returns ------- pandas.DataFrame DataFrame with 'holiday' column including names of holidays for each of the date Raises ------ KeyError if 'country_code_column' is not found in X ValueError if country_code_column has more than 1 value in X """ if self.country_code_column: if self.country_code_column not in X.columns: raise KeyError( f"Column {self.country_code_column} provided as " f"`country_code_column` is not in dataframe!" ) if X[self.country_code_column].nunique() != 1: raise ValueError( f"There needs to be only one unique value in entire `country_code_column` column. " f"These values were found {X[self.country_code_column].unique()}!" ) self.unified_country_code = X[self.country_code_column].unique()[0] years = X.index.year.unique().tolist() + [max(X.index.year)] cal = registry.region_registry[self.unified_country_code]() holidays = ( pd.concat( [pd.DataFrame(data=cal.holidays(year), columns=["date", self._col_name]) for year in years] ) # one day could have multiple public holidays .drop_duplicates(subset="date").set_index("date") ) result = ( pd.merge(X, holidays, left_index=True, right_index=True, how="left") .fillna({self._col_name: ""}) .drop(columns=[self.country_code_column], errors="ignore") ) return result