Data Format

In hcrystalball the wrapper models and model selection functions follow the scikit-learn API, which allows using the scikit-learn grid search, metrics and other tools.

This page describes the data format used for time series, feature and target data in hcrystalball.

Model wrappers

Requested data format for wrappers semantically follows scikit-learn’s convention - X is a feature matrix and y stands for the target vector. Along with that we enforce following rules:

Following example creates dummy data in the right format with generate_tsdata and uses it in ProphetWrapper.

from hcrystalball.utils import generate_tsdata
from hcrystalball.wrappers import ProphetWrapper

X, y = generate_tsdata(n_dates=365*2)
X_train, y_train, X_test, y_test = X[:-10], y[:-10], X[-10:], y[-10:]

model = ProphetWrapper()
y_pred =,y_train).predict(X_test)
>>> X.head()
Empty DataFrame
Columns: []
Index: [2017-01-01 00:00:00, 2017-01-02 00:00:00, 2017-01-03 00:00:00, 2017-01-04 00:00:00, 2017-01-05 00:00:00]

[730 rows x 0 columns]
>>> y
2017-01-01    4.154750
2017-01-02    6.361124
2017-01-03    7.676185
2017-01-04    8.447134
2017-01-05    8.638612
2018-12-27    5.824521
2018-12-28    5.359175
2018-12-29    5.093221
2018-12-30    6.148416
2018-12-31    8.176576
Name: target, Length: 730, dtype: float64


In case you are fitting your model on whole data and you use some exogenous variables (e.g. columns with weather forecast), these columns must also be present in X_test. In this example it would mean, that you need to provide weather forecast for each step ahead along the with the date index.

Model selection

More general model selection interface expects single pandas.DataFrame, that must contain at minimum an index of type pandas.DatetimeIndex and a numeric target column. In this case the target is Quantity, index can have a name, but it is never used

Other columns:

  • columns serving to partition data (Region, Plant, Product), that will effectively cut the original data to single time series (similar to X,y format of the wrapper layer)

  • exogenous columns that add extra information to the autoregressive nature of target prediction (Raining)

  • a column with ISO code of country/region (Country), that is later used to create holidays as additional features

This time, dummy data is created with generate_multiple_tsdata and analysed with ModelSelector.

from hcrystalball.utils import generate_multiple_tsdata
from hcrystalball.model_selection import ModelSelector

df = generate_multiple_tsdata(n_dates=200, n_regions=2, n_plants=2, n_products=2)

ms = ModelSelector(horizon=10, frequency="D", country_code_column="Country")
    df=df, target_col_name="Quantity", partition_columns=["Region", "Plant", "Product"]
>>> df.head()
            Region    Plant    Product   Country  Raining   Quantity
2018-01-01  region_0  plant_0  product_0      DE    False   5.551729
2018-01-02  region_0  plant_0  product_0      DE    False   8.026498
2018-01-03  region_0  plant_0  product_0      DE     True   9.120487
2018-01-04  region_0  plant_0  product_0      DE     True  10.601816
2018-01-05  region_0  plant_0  product_0      DE     True  10.833782