Source code for hcrystalball.model_selection._large_scale_cross_validation

import itertools
from copy import deepcopy

import pandas as pd
from ._data_preparation import partition_data
from ._data_preparation import filter_data
from ._data_preparation import prepare_data_for_training
from ._model_selector_result import ModelSelectorResult
from .utils import persist_experts_in_physical_partition

# redirect prefect to the console
import logging

logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

# ensure correct usage/skip of progress bar
def make_progress_bar(*args, **kwargs):
    """Create iterable as progress bar if available.

    Ensure simple loop is returned or tqdm_notebook progress bar when prerequisities met

    iterable or tqdm_notebook
        tqdm_notebook based progress bar or simple iterable
        from tqdm.notebook import tqdm_notebook

        pbar = tqdm_notebook(*args, **kwargs)
    except Exception:
        logging.warning("No prerequisites installed for interactive progress bar, continuing without one.")
        return args[0]

    return pbar

[docs]def select_model( df, target_col_name, partition_columns, grid_search, parallel_over_dict=None, frequency=None, country_code_column=None, ): """Find the best model from grid_search for each partition Parameters ---------- df : pandas.DataFrame Data to be used for model selection target_col_name : str name of target column partition_columns : list List of column names in the input dataframe to be used for partitioning the data. grid_search : sklearn.model_selection.GridSearchCV Instance compatible with Sklearn GridSearchCV parallel_over_dict : dict Dictionary with the partition label used for parallelization (e.g. {'Region':'Africa'}) frequency : str Frequency at which model selection was done. It is mainly for bookeeping purposes and later used to instantiate result objects country_code_column : str Name of the column with ISO code of country/region, which can be used for supplying holiday. e.g. 'State' with values like 'DE', 'CZ' or 'Region' with values like 'DE-NW', 'DE-HE', etc. Returns ------- list: List of ModelSelectorResults containing all important information for each partition """ parallel_partition = parallel_over_dict if parallel_over_dict is not None else {} results = [] if len(partition_columns) == 0: df_cv = { "labels": tuple([{"no_partition_label": ""}],), "data": tuple([df,]), } else: df_cv = partition_data(df, list(set(partition_columns).difference(parallel_partition))) # will show progress bar only when running not parallel execution, otherwise loop over labels and data pbar = zip(df_cv["labels"], df_cv["data"]) if not parallel_partition: pbar = make_progress_bar(pbar, total=len(df_cv["labels"]), leave=True, desc="select model") # run model selection and create result object for each data partition for non_parallel_partition, data_part in pbar: grid_search_tmp = deepcopy(grid_search) X, y = data_part.drop(target_col_name, axis=1), data_part[target_col_name] if hasattr(grid_search_tmp, "autosarimax"): # ensures uniformly returned model for autosarimax within n_splits # by fitting the whole `pipeline` on first split (with exog cols and holiday transformer) # and appends the best found `model` to current grid_search param grid ind_last_split, _ = list([0] best_sarimax =[ind_last_split, :], y.iloc[ind_last_split]) grid_search_tmp.param_grid.append({"model": [best_sarimax["model"]]}) # searches among all models with found best Sarimax on last split (as opose to using AutoSarimax), y) # add convenient result object results.append( ModelSelectorResult( # more robust refit=True that makes sure, that models failing during fit # are ommited even if exception happens in wrapper's model's __init__ best_model=grid_search_tmp.estimator.set_params(**grid_search_tmp.best_params_).fit(X, y), cv_results=pd.DataFrame(grid_search_tmp.cv_results_), cv_data=grid_search_tmp.scorer_.cv_data, model_reprs=grid_search_tmp.scorer_.estimator_ids, partition={**parallel_partition, **non_parallel_partition}, X_train=X, y_train=y, frequency=frequency,, country_code_column=country_code_column, ) ) return results
def _define_model_selection_flow(): """Define flow that runs model selection. Specifically data filtering, partitioning and model selection and optional persistence on a given dataset Returns ------- prefect.Flow """ from prefect import task, Flow, Parameter, unmapped with Flow("model selection") as flow: df = Parameter("data") grid_search = Parameter("grid_search") target_col_name = Parameter("target_col_name") country_code_column = Parameter("country_code_column") include_rules = Parameter("include_rules") exclude_rules = Parameter("exclude_rules") parallel_over_columns = Parameter("parallel_over_columns") partition_columns = Parameter("partition_columns") frequency = Parameter("frequency") output_path = Parameter("output_path") persist_cv_data = Parameter("persist_cv_data") persist_cv_results = Parameter("persist_cv_results") persist_model_reprs = Parameter("persist_model_reprs") persist_best_model = Parameter("persist_best_model") persist_partition = Parameter("persist_partition") persist_model_selector_results = Parameter("persist_model_selector_results") df_filtered = task(filter_data)(df=df, include_rules=include_rules, exclude_rules=exclude_rules) partitions = task(partition_data)(df=df_filtered, partition_by=parallel_over_columns) parallel_over_dicts, partition_dfs = partitions["labels"], partitions["data"] train_data = task(prepare_data_for_training).map( df=partition_dfs, frequency=unmapped(frequency), partition_columns=unmapped(partition_columns), parallel_over_columns=unmapped(parallel_over_columns), country_code_column=unmapped(country_code_column), ) results = task(select_model).map( df=train_data, target_col_name=unmapped(target_col_name), grid_search=unmapped(grid_search), partition_columns=unmapped(partition_columns), parallel_over_dict=parallel_over_dicts, frequency=unmapped(frequency), country_code_column=unmapped(country_code_column), ) write_ok = task(persist_experts_in_physical_partition).map( results=results, folder_path=unmapped(output_path), persist_cv_results=unmapped(persist_cv_results), persist_cv_data=unmapped(persist_cv_data), persist_model_reprs=unmapped(persist_model_reprs), persist_best_model=unmapped(persist_best_model), persist_partition=unmapped(persist_partition), persist_model_selector_results=unmapped(persist_model_selector_results), ) flow.set_reference_tasks([write_ok]) return flow
[docs]def run_model_selection( df, grid_search, target_col_name, frequency, partition_columns, parallel_over_columns, include_rules=None, exclude_rules=None, country_code_column=None, output_path="", persist_cv_results=False, persist_cv_data=False, persist_model_reprs=False, persist_best_model=False, persist_partition=False, persist_model_selector_results=True, visualize_success=False, executor=None, ): """Run parallel cross validation on data and select best model Best models are selected for each timeseries and if wanted persisted.' Parameters ---------- df : pandas.DataFrame Container holding historical data for training grid_search : sklearn.model_selection.GridSearchCV Preconfigured grid search definition which determines which models and parameters will be tried target_col_name : str Name of target column frequency : str Temporal frequency of data. Data with different frequency will be resampled to this frequency. partition_columns : list, tuple Column names based on which the data should be split up / partitioned parallel_over_columns : list, tuple Subset of partition_columns, that are used to parallel split. include_rules : dict Dictionary with keys being column names and values being list of values to include in the output. exclude_rules : dict Dictionary with keys being column names and values being list of values to exclude from the output. country_code_column : str Name of the column with country code, which can be used for supplying holiday (i.e. having gridsearch with HolidayTransformer with argument `country_code_column` set to this one) output_path : str Path to directory for storing the output, default is cwd persist_cv_results : bool If True cv_results of sklearn.model_selection.GridSearchCV as pandas df will be saved as pickle for each partition persist_cv_data : bool If True the pandas df detail cv data will be saved as pickle for each partition persist_model_reprs : bool If True model reprs will be saved as json for each partition persist_best_model : bool If True best model will be saved as pickle for each partition persist_partition : bool If True dictionary of partition label will be saved as json for each partition persist_model_selector_results : bool If True ModelSelectoResults with all important information will be saved as pickle for each partition visualize_success : bool If True, generate graph of task completion executor : prefect.engine.executors Provide prefect's executor. For more information see Returns ------- prefect.Flow, prefect.engine.state.State - flow itself - state of computations """ from prefect.utilities.debug import raise_on_exception flow = _define_model_selection_flow() with raise_on_exception(): state = executor=executor, data=df, grid_search=grid_search, target_col_name=target_col_name, country_code_column=country_code_column, include_rules=include_rules, exclude_rules=exclude_rules, parallel_over_columns=parallel_over_columns, partition_columns=partition_columns, frequency=frequency, persist_cv_results=persist_cv_results, persist_cv_data=persist_cv_data, persist_model_reprs=persist_model_reprs, persist_best_model=persist_best_model, persist_partition=persist_partition, persist_model_selector_results=persist_model_selector_results, output_path=output_path, ) if visualize_success: flow.visualize(flow_state=state) return flow, state
[docs]def select_model_general( df, grid_search, target_col_name, frequency, partition_columns=None, parallel_over_columns=None, executor=None, include_rules=None, exclude_rules=None, country_code_column=None, output_path="", persist_cv_results=False, persist_cv_data=False, persist_model_reprs=False, persist_best_model=False, persist_partition=False, persist_model_selector_results=False, ): """Run cross validation on data and select best model Best models are selected for each timeseries and if wanted persisted. Parameters ---------- df : pandas.DataFrame Container holding historical data for training grid_search : sklearn.model_selection.GridSearchCV Preconfigured grid search definition which determines which models and parameters will be tried target_col_name : str Name of target column frequency : str Temporal frequency of data. Data with different frequency will be resampled to this frequency. partition_columns : list, tuple Column names based on which the data should be split up / partitioned parallel_over_columns : list, tuple Subset of partition_columns, that are used to parallel split. executor : prefect.engine.executors Provide prefect's executor. Only valid when `parallel_over_columns` is set. For more information see include_rules : dict Dictionary with keys being column names and values being list of values to include in the output. exclude_rules : dict Dictionary with keys being column names and values being list of values to exclude from the output. country_code_column : str Name of the column with country code, which can be used for supplying holiday (i.e. having gridsearch with HolidayTransformer with argument `country_code_column` set to this one). output_path : str Path to directory for storing the output, default behavior is current working directory persist_cv_results : bool If True cv_results of sklearn.model_selection.GridSearchCV as pandas df will be saved as pickle for each partition persist_cv_data : bool If True the pandas df detail cv data will be saved as pickle for each partition persist_model_reprs : bool If True model reprs will be saved as json for each partition persist_best_model : bool If True best model will be saved as pickle for each partition persist_partition : bool If True dictionary of partition label will be saved as json for each partition persist_model_selector_results : bool If True ModelSelectoResults with all important information will be saved as pickle for each partition Returns ------- list List of ModelSelectorResult """ if parallel_over_columns is not None: # run prefect flow with paralellism flow_result = run_model_selection(**locals()) # access result of select_model and flatten it result = flow_result[1].result[flow_result[0].get_tasks("select_model")[0]].result flat_list = list(itertools.chain.from_iterable(result)) return flat_list else: partition_columns = partition_columns if partition_columns is not None else [] # run without prefect df_prep = df.pipe(filter_data, include_rules=include_rules, exclude_rules=exclude_rules).pipe( prepare_data_for_training, frequency=frequency, partition_columns=partition_columns, country_code_column=country_code_column, ) result = select_model( df=df_prep, target_col_name=target_col_name, partition_columns=partition_columns, grid_search=grid_search, parallel_over_dict=None, frequency=frequency, country_code_column=country_code_column, ) if any( [ persist_cv_results, persist_cv_data, persist_model_reprs, persist_partition, persist_best_model, persist_model_selector_results, ] ): persist_experts_in_physical_partition( results=result, folder_path=output_path, persist_cv_results=persist_cv_results, persist_cv_data=persist_cv_data, persist_model_reprs=persist_model_reprs, persist_partition=persist_partition, persist_best_model=persist_best_model, persist_model_selector_results=persist_model_selector_results, ) return result