Source code for hcrystalball.wrappers._statsmodels

import logging
import sys

sys_out = logging.StreamHandler(sys.__stdout__)
sys_out.setFormatter(logging.Formatter("%(asctime)s - statsmodels - %(levelname)s - %(message)s"))

from abc import ABCMeta
from abc import abstractmethod

import pandas as pd
from statsmodels.tsa.api import ExponentialSmoothing
from statsmodels.tsa.api import Holt
from statsmodels.tsa.api import SimpleExpSmoothing
from statsmodels.tsa.forecasting.theta import ThetaModel

from hcrystalball.utils import check_fit_before_predict
from hcrystalball.utils import check_X_y
from hcrystalball.utils import enforce_y_type
from hcrystalball.utils import set_verbosity
from hcrystalball.wrappers._base import TSModelWrapper
from hcrystalball.wrappers._base import tsmodel_wrapper_constructor_factory

class BaseStatsmodelsForecastingWrapper(TSModelWrapper, metaclass=ABCMeta):
    """BaseWrapper for smoothing models from `~statsmodels.tsa.holtwinters`

    Currently supported ones are `~statsmodels.tsa.holtwinters.ExponentialSmoothing`,
    `~statsmodels.tsa.holtwinters.SimpleExpSmoothing`, `~statsmodels.tsa.holtwinters.Holt`

    def __init__(self):

    def _transform_data_to_tsmodel_input_format(X, y=None):
        """Trasnform data into `statsmodels.tsa.api` required format

        X : pandas.DataFrame
            Input features.

        y : array_like, (1d)
            Target vector.

            If y is None, length of input to `predict` method is returned
            otherwise series with X.index in index and y in values
        if y is not None:
            return pd.Series(y, index=X.index)
            return X.shape[0]

    def fit(self, X, y):
        """Transform data to `statsmodels.tsa.api` required format
        and fit the model.

        X : pandas.DataFrame
            Input features.

        y : array_like, (1d)
            Target vector.

            Fitted model
        endog = self._transform_data_to_tsmodel_input_format(X, y)
        self.model = self._init_tsmodel(self.model_cls, endog=endog)
        self.model =**self.fit_params) if self.fit_params else
        self.fitted = True
        return self

    def predict(self, X):
        """Transform data to `statsmodels.tsa.api` required format and provide predictions.

        X : pandas.DataFrame
            Input features.

            Prediction stored in column with name being the `name` of the wrapper.
        horizon = self._transform_data_to_tsmodel_input_format(X)
        preds = self.model.forecast(horizon).to_frame(
        if hasattr(self.model, "prediction_intervals") and self.conf_int:
            preds = (
                .rename(columns=lambda x: f"{}_" + x)
        preds.index = X.index
        return self._clip_predictions(preds)

[docs]class ExponentialSmoothingWrapper(BaseStatsmodelsForecastingWrapper): """Wrapper for `~statsmodels.tsa.holtwinters.ExponentialSmoothing` (see other parameters there) Parameters ---------- name: str Name of the model instance, used also as column name for returned prediction fit_params: dict Parameters passed to `` method of model. For more details see `` clip_predictions_lower: float Minimal value allowed for predictions - predictions will be clipped to this value. clip_predictions_upper: float Maximum value allowed for predictions - predictions will be clipped to this value. hcb_verbose : bool Whtether to keep (True) or suppress (False) messages to stdout and stderr from the wrapper and 3rd party libraries during fit and predict """ model_cls = ExponentialSmoothing @tsmodel_wrapper_constructor_factory(ExponentialSmoothing) def __init__( self, name="ExponentialSmoothing", fit_params=None, clip_predictions_lower=None, clip_predictions_upper=None, hcb_verbose=True, ): """This constructor will be modified at runtime to accept all parameters of the ExponentialSmoothing class on top of the ones defined here!""" pass
[docs]class SimpleSmoothingWrapper(BaseStatsmodelsForecastingWrapper): """Wrapper for `~statsmodels.tsa.holtwinters.SimpleExpSmoothing` (see other parameters there) Parameters ---------- name: str Name of the model instance, used also as column name for returned prediction fit_params: dict Parameters passed to `` method of model. For more details see `` clip_predictions_lower: float Minimal value allowed for predictions - predictions will be clipped to this value. clip_predictions_upper: float Maximum value allowed for predictions - predictions will be clipped to this value. hcb_verbose : bool Whtether to keep (True) or suppress (False) messages to stdout and stderr from the wrapper and 3rd party libraries during fit and predict """ model_cls = SimpleExpSmoothing @tsmodel_wrapper_constructor_factory(SimpleExpSmoothing) def __init__( self, name="SimpleSmoothing", fit_params=None, clip_predictions_lower=None, clip_predictions_upper=None, hcb_verbose=True, ): """This constructor will be modified at runtime to accept all parameters of the SimpleExpSmoothing class on top of the ones defined here!""" pass
[docs]class HoltSmoothingWrapper(BaseStatsmodelsForecastingWrapper): """Wrapper for `~statsmodels.tsa.holtwinters.Holt` (see other parameters there) Parameters ---------- name: str Name of the model instance, used also as column name for returned prediction fit_params: dict Parameters passed to `` method of model. For more details see `` clip_predictions_lower: float Minimal value allowed for predictions - predictions will be clipped to this value. clip_predictions_upper: float Maximum value allowed for predictions - predictions will be clipped to this value. hcb_verbose : bool Whtether to keep (True) or suppress (False) messages to stdout and stderr from the wrapper and 3rd party libraries during fit and predict """ model_cls = Holt @tsmodel_wrapper_constructor_factory(Holt) def __init__( self, name="HoltSmoothing", fit_params=None, clip_predictions_lower=None, clip_predictions_upper=None, hcb_verbose=True, ): """This constructor will be modified at runtime to accept all parameters of the Holt class on top of the ones defined here!""" pass
[docs]class ThetaWrapper(BaseStatsmodelsForecastingWrapper): """Wrapper for `~statsmodels.tsa.forecasting.theta.ThetaModel` (see other parameters there) Parameters ---------- name: str Name of the model instance, used also as column name for returned prediction conf_int : bool Whether confidence intervals should be also outputed. fit_params: dict Parameters passed to `` method of model. For more details see `` clip_predictions_lower: float Minimal value allowed for predictions - predictions will be clipped to this value. clip_predictions_upper: float Maximum value allowed for predictions - predictions will be clipped to this value. hcb_verbose : bool Whtether to keep (True) or suppress (False) messages to stdout and stderr from the wrapper and 3rd party libraries during fit and predict """ model_cls = ThetaModel @tsmodel_wrapper_constructor_factory(ThetaModel) def __init__( self, name="ThetaModel", conf_int=False, fit_params=None, clip_predictions_lower=None, clip_predictions_upper=None, hcb_verbose=True, ): """This constructor will be modified at runtime to accept all parameters of the Holt class on top of the ones defined here!""" pass
__all__ = ["ExponentialSmoothingWrapper", "SimpleSmoothingWrapper", "HoltSmoothingWrapper", "ThetaWrapper"]