Source code for hcrystalball.model_selection._large_scale_cross_validation

import io
import itertools

# redirect prefect to the console
import logging
import sys
from collections import OrderedDict
from copy import deepcopy

import pandas as pd

from ._data_preparation import filter_data
from ._data_preparation import partition_data
from ._data_preparation import prepare_data_for_training
from ._model_selector_result import ModelSelectorResult
from .utils import persist_experts_in_physical_partition

logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

# ensure correct usage/skip of progress bar
def make_progress_bar(*args, **kwargs):
    """Create iterable as progress bar if available.

    Ensure simple loop is returned or tqdm_notebook progress bar when prerequisities met

    iterable or tqdm_notebook
        tqdm_notebook based progress bar or simple iterable
    pbar = args[0]
        from import tqdm as tqdm_auto

        pbar = tqdm_auto(*args, **kwargs)
    except Exception as e:
            "No prerequisites (tqdm) installed for interactive progress bar, "
            "continuing without one. See the output in the console "
            "or check installation instructions."
    return pbar

[docs]def get_best_not_failing_model(grid_search, X, y): """ Prevent situation when model incompatible data are not seen during CV (in the last split of actuals) and model which cannot be fitted on the full dataset is choseen. In such a situation the next model with the lowest test score should be selected. Parameters ---------- grid_search : sklearn.model_selection.GridSearchCV Fitted instance compatible with Sklearn GridSearchCV X : pandas.DataFrame Input features. y : array_like, (1d) Target vector. Returns ------- dict with keys `rank` and `params` Raises ------ ValueError No available model could be fit on given data """ params_ranks = ( pd.DataFrame(grid_search.cv_results_)[["rank_test_score", "params"]] .sort_values("rank_test_score") .to_dict("records") ) for param_rank in params_ranks: try: grid_search.estimator.set_params(**param_rank["params"]).fit(X, y) return {"rank": param_rank["rank_test_score"], "params": param_rank["params"]} except Exception: continue raise ValueError("No available model could be fit on given data")
[docs]def select_model( df, target_col_name, partition_columns, grid_search, parallel_over_dict=None, frequency=None, country_code_column=None, ): """Find the best model from grid_search for each partition Parameters ---------- df : pandas.DataFrame Data to be used for model selection target_col_name : str name of target column partition_columns : list List of column names in the input dataframe to be used for partitioning the data. grid_search : sklearn.model_selection.GridSearchCV Instance compatible with Sklearn GridSearchCV parallel_over_dict : dict Dictionary with the partition label used for parallelization (e.g. {'Region':'Africa'}) frequency : str Frequency at which model selection was done. It is mainly for bookeeping purposes and later used to instantiate result objects country_code_column : str Name of the column with ISO code of country/region, which can be used for supplying holiday. e.g. 'State' with values like 'DE', 'CZ' or 'Region' with values like 'DE-NW', 'DE-HE', etc. Returns ------- list: List of ModelSelectorResults containing all important information for each partition """ parallel_partition = parallel_over_dict or {} results = [] if len(partition_columns) == 0: df_cv = { "labels": tuple([{"no_partition_label": ""}]), "data": tuple([df]), } else: df_cv = partition_data(df, list(set(partition_columns).difference(parallel_partition))) # will define progress bar if dependencies installed pbar = make_progress_bar( zip(df_cv["labels"], df_cv["data"]), total=len(df_cv["labels"]), leave=True, desc="Select Models" if parallel_over_dict is None else (", ").join([f"{k}: {v}" for k, v in parallel_over_dict.items()]), ) # run model selection and create result object for each data partition for non_parallel_partition, data_part in pbar: # for non_parallel_partition, data_part in zip(df_cv["labels"], df_cv["data"]): grid_search_tmp = deepcopy(grid_search) X, y = data_part.drop(target_col_name, axis=1), data_part[target_col_name] if hasattr(grid_search_tmp, "autosarimax"): # ensures uniformly returned model for autosarimax within n_splits # by fitting the whole `pipeline` on first split (with exog cols and holiday transformer) # and appends the best found `model` to current grid_search param grid ind_last_split, _ = list([0] best_sarimax =[ind_last_split, :], y.iloc[ind_last_split]) grid_search_tmp.param_grid.append({"model": [best_sarimax["model"]]}) # searches among all models with found best Sarimax on last split (as opose to using AutoSarimax), y) best_param_rank = get_best_not_failing_model(grid_search_tmp, X, y) # add convenient result object results.append( ModelSelectorResult( # more robust refit=True that makes sure, that models failing during fit # are ommited even if exception happens in wrapper's model's __init__ best_model=grid_search_tmp.estimator.set_params(**best_param_rank["params"]).fit(X, y), best_model_rank=best_param_rank["rank"], cv_results=pd.DataFrame(grid_search_tmp.cv_results_), cv_data=grid_search_tmp.scorer_.cv_data, model_reprs=grid_search_tmp.scorer_.estimator_ids, partition=OrderedDict(sorted({**parallel_partition, **non_parallel_partition}.items())), X_train=X, y_train=y, frequency=frequency,, country_code_column=country_code_column, ) ) return results
def _define_model_selection_flow(): """Define flow that runs model selection. Specifically data filtering, partitioning and model selection and optional persistence on a given dataset Returns ------- prefect.Flow """ from prefect import Flow from prefect import Parameter from prefect import task from prefect import unmapped with Flow("model selection") as flow: df = Parameter("data") grid_search = Parameter("grid_search") target_col_name = Parameter("target_col_name") country_code_column = Parameter("country_code_column") include_rules = Parameter("include_rules") exclude_rules = Parameter("exclude_rules") parallel_over_columns = Parameter("parallel_over_columns") partition_columns = Parameter("partition_columns") frequency = Parameter("frequency") output_path = Parameter("output_path") persist_cv_data = Parameter("persist_cv_data") persist_cv_results = Parameter("persist_cv_results") persist_model_reprs = Parameter("persist_model_reprs") persist_best_model = Parameter("persist_best_model") persist_partition = Parameter("persist_partition") persist_model_selector_results = Parameter("persist_model_selector_results") df_filtered = task(filter_data)(df=df, include_rules=include_rules, exclude_rules=exclude_rules) partitions = task(partition_data)(df=df_filtered, partition_by=parallel_over_columns) parallel_over_dicts, partition_dfs = partitions["labels"], partitions["data"] train_data = task(prepare_data_for_training).map( df=partition_dfs, frequency=unmapped(frequency), partition_columns=unmapped(partition_columns), parallel_over_columns=unmapped(parallel_over_columns), country_code_column=unmapped(country_code_column), ) results = task(select_model).map( df=train_data, target_col_name=unmapped(target_col_name), grid_search=unmapped(grid_search), partition_columns=unmapped(partition_columns), parallel_over_dict=parallel_over_dicts, frequency=unmapped(frequency), country_code_column=unmapped(country_code_column), ) write_ok = task(persist_experts_in_physical_partition).map( results=results, folder_path=unmapped(output_path), persist_cv_results=unmapped(persist_cv_results), persist_cv_data=unmapped(persist_cv_data), persist_model_reprs=unmapped(persist_model_reprs), persist_best_model=unmapped(persist_best_model), persist_partition=unmapped(persist_partition), persist_model_selector_results=unmapped(persist_model_selector_results), ) flow.set_reference_tasks([write_ok]) return flow
[docs]def run_model_selection( df, grid_search, target_col_name, frequency, partition_columns, parallel_over_columns, include_rules=None, exclude_rules=None, country_code_column=None, output_path="", persist_cv_results=False, persist_cv_data=False, persist_model_reprs=False, persist_best_model=False, persist_partition=False, persist_model_selector_results=True, visualize_success=False, executor=None, ): """Run parallel cross validation on data and select best model Best models are selected for each timeseries and if wanted persisted.' Parameters ---------- df : pandas.DataFrame Container holding historical data for training grid_search : sklearn.model_selection.GridSearchCV Preconfigured grid search definition which determines which models and parameters will be tried target_col_name : str Name of target column frequency : str Temporal frequency of data. Data with different frequency will be resampled to this frequency. partition_columns : list, tuple Column names based on which the data should be split up / partitioned parallel_over_columns : list, tuple Subset of partition_columns, that are used to parallel split. include_rules : dict Dictionary with keys being column names and values being list of values to include in the output. exclude_rules : dict Dictionary with keys being column names and values being list of values to exclude from the output. country_code_column : str Name of the column with country code, which can be used for supplying holiday (i.e. having gridsearch with HolidayTransformer with argument `country_code_column` set to this one) output_path : str Path to directory for storing the output, default is cwd persist_cv_results : bool If True cv_results of sklearn.model_selection.GridSearchCV as pandas df will be saved as pickle for each partition persist_cv_data : bool If True the pandas df detail cv data will be saved as pickle for each partition persist_model_reprs : bool If True model reprs will be saved as json for each partition persist_best_model : bool If True best model will be saved as pickle for each partition persist_partition : bool If True dictionary of partition label will be saved as json for each partition persist_model_selector_results : bool If True ModelSelectoResults with all important information will be saved as pickle for each partition visualize_success : bool If True, generate graph of task completion executor : prefect.executors Provide prefect's executor. For more information see Returns ------- prefect.Flow, prefect.engine.state.State - flow itself - state of computations """ from prefect.utilities.debug import raise_on_exception flow = _define_model_selection_flow() with raise_on_exception(): state = executor=executor, data=df, grid_search=grid_search, target_col_name=target_col_name, country_code_column=country_code_column, include_rules=include_rules, exclude_rules=exclude_rules, parallel_over_columns=parallel_over_columns, partition_columns=partition_columns, frequency=frequency, persist_cv_results=persist_cv_results, persist_cv_data=persist_cv_data, persist_model_reprs=persist_model_reprs, persist_best_model=persist_best_model, persist_partition=persist_partition, persist_model_selector_results=persist_model_selector_results, output_path=output_path, ) if visualize_success: flow.visualize(flow_state=state) return flow, state
[docs]def select_model_general( df, grid_search, target_col_name, frequency, partition_columns=None, parallel_over_columns=None, executor=None, include_rules=None, exclude_rules=None, country_code_column=None, output_path="", persist_cv_results=False, persist_cv_data=False, persist_model_reprs=False, persist_best_model=False, persist_partition=False, persist_model_selector_results=False, ): """Run cross validation on data and select best model Best models are selected for each timeseries and if wanted persisted. Parameters ---------- df : pandas.DataFrame Container holding historical data for training grid_search : sklearn.model_selection.GridSearchCV Preconfigured grid search definition which determines which models and parameters will be tried target_col_name : str Name of target column frequency : str Temporal frequency of data. Data with different frequency will be resampled to this frequency. partition_columns : list, tuple Column names based on which the data should be split up / partitioned parallel_over_columns : list, tuple Subset of partition_columns, that are used to parallel split. executor : prefect.executors Provide prefect's executor. Only valid when `parallel_over_columns` is set. For more information see include_rules : dict Dictionary with keys being column names and values being list of values to include in the output. exclude_rules : dict Dictionary with keys being column names and values being list of values to exclude from the output. country_code_column : str Name of the column with country code, which can be used for supplying holiday (i.e. having gridsearch with HolidayTransformer with argument `country_code_column` set to this one). output_path : str Path to directory for storing the output, default behavior is current working directory persist_cv_results : bool If True cv_results of sklearn.model_selection.GridSearchCV as pandas df will be saved as pickle for each partition persist_cv_data : bool If True the pandas df detail cv data will be saved as pickle for each partition persist_model_reprs : bool If True model reprs will be saved as json for each partition persist_best_model : bool If True best model will be saved as pickle for each partition persist_partition : bool If True dictionary of partition label will be saved as json for each partition persist_model_selector_results : bool If True ModelSelectoResults with all important information will be saved as pickle for each partition Returns ------- list List of ModelSelectorResult """ if parallel_over_columns is not None: # run prefect flow with paralellism flow_result = run_model_selection(**locals()) # access result of select_model and flatten it result = flow_result[1].result[flow_result[0].get_tasks("select_model")[0]].result flat_list = list(itertools.chain.from_iterable(result)) return flat_list else: partition_columns = partition_columns or [] # run without prefect df_prep = df.pipe(filter_data, include_rules=include_rules, exclude_rules=exclude_rules).pipe( prepare_data_for_training, frequency=frequency, partition_columns=partition_columns, country_code_column=country_code_column, ) result = select_model( df=df_prep, target_col_name=target_col_name, partition_columns=partition_columns, grid_search=grid_search, parallel_over_dict=None, frequency=frequency, country_code_column=country_code_column, ) if any( [ persist_cv_results, persist_cv_data, persist_model_reprs, persist_partition, persist_best_model, persist_model_selector_results, ] ): persist_experts_in_physical_partition( results=result, folder_path=output_path, persist_cv_results=persist_cv_results, persist_cv_data=persist_cv_data, persist_model_reprs=persist_model_reprs, persist_partition=persist_partition, persist_best_model=persist_best_model, persist_model_selector_results=persist_model_selector_results, ) return result